A study of the peoples and cultures of the Native, Russian and American periods of the Cook Inlet region. Includes original archaeological studies and ethnohistoric documents.
**This is offered as an open learning website (free) provided by Kenai Peninsula College developed by Dr. Alan Boraas.Watch the lectures, read the material and self-direct your learning. Email Dr.
Boraas if you have questions or comments.
If you would like college credit you must sign up through Kenai Peninsula College at www.kpc.alaska.edu. This is a web-based version of the course designed to allow you access to course materials. Please refer to your syllabus on Blackboard for assignment requirements and submission deadlines.
**Special Note: Usually Offered Alternate Fall Semesters.
Alan Boraas, Ph.D. Professor of Anthropology Kenai Peninsula College 156 College Road Soldotna, Alaska 99669 907-262-0360, Office asboraas@kpc.alaska.edu
If you use information from the lectures on this website for publication, reports, term papers, or other use, please cite:
Boraas, Alan 2014 Cook Inlet Culture History Lectures http://wp.kpc.alaska.edu/boraas/
web design by Brandi Kerley