April 2021

Friends, I am in the process of revising this manuscript.

Attempting to write a history of the many different Alaska Native Nations, all different, all with different histories, has been an incredibly difficult project. Problems include epistemology, what is history, word choice, names and terminology, and particularly, not offending anyone. Many people have told me to not even attempt it. I agree that it would be preferable to have an Alaska Native person as the author. But in the six or seven years I have been working on this, I have seen no evidence that anyone is going to take this on. And I get it. It is a huge project that relies on synthesis, not the kind of primary or detailed research that is going to get anyone a PhD or tenure. And everyone has their own projects. Which is great. But people have been complaining for years that their history is not included in any standard history of Alaska. I am doing my best.

My writing process is very slow. I write, I put it aside, for a year. I reread. I revise.

I am disabling comments on this site because I get so much spam, But I would love to hear from anyone who sincerely wants to comment. If you have comments, you may address them to me at j haigh at alaska dot edu

Fall 2019


I have taken a year off from the project. I think that all projects benefit from time off and then a new look at the material which is what I am doing now. I would welcome comments, but all the comments on the pages have been spam. If you would really like to contact me

j h a i g h @ a l a s k a . e d u

Hello, I have finally gotten back to my chapter on Education, after putting it aside for a year because it is so complicated. Not done yet, but I am adding the timeline I have made to help me keep track of what was going on.

Summer, 2017

Hello Friends

Friends, As mentioned below, this is web page for my Alaska History material which also includes the manuscript I am writing to refocus the story of Alaska centering the experiences of Alaska Native Nations.

I started this book in January of 2015, after my daughter asked if their was one book she could read that would explain something about Alaska’s Native people, past and present. Of course there is not one book. And Alaska history as currently taught in both High School and College  centers the experiences of outsiders, as they fought for their own rights as US citizens, and worked to become a state.

Many people over the years have talked about how this history or master narrative needs to be revised, but frankly this is a big job. But it’s necessary, so I am taking it on.

I am taking the risk of actually making my draft manuscript of my new book available for review and comment. So far, I have the Introduction, and Chapters 1 and 6  and the Bibliography. More to come. The first chapters are a review of the histories of each ethno-linguistic group, up through early encounters with outsiders in most cases.

You can see the whole outline and chapter narratives on the History of Alaska Natives Manuscript Draft page

You can also see my Bibliography of Alaska Native Biography and Autobiography which I did last year, along with the paper I gave on the topic. And, of course “More About Me”

I am planning to add materials for my Alaska History Class as the fall semester progress

For more about my other publications see janehaigh.com


Friends, This is web page for my Alaska History material. Thanks KPC!

I am taking the risk of actually making my draft manuscript of my new book available for review and comment.

So far, I have the Introduction, and Chapters 1 and 6  and the Bibliography. More to come. (I have 7 chapters mostly complete)

The first chapters are a review of the histories of each ethno-linguistic group, up through early encounters with outsiders in most cases. Some of these are not really finished.

You can see the whole outline and chapter narratives on the website.

You can also see my Bibliography of Alaska Native Biography and Autobiography which I did last year, along with the paper I gave on the topic. And, of course “More About Me”

For more about my other publications see janehaigh.com


Hello world!

This is the website for Jane G. Haigh, Phd, History of Alaska material, including the manuscript and materials for my Book in Progress- History of Alaska Natives: Native Nations Past and Present; An Indigenous History of Alaska; My History of Alaska [Hist. A341] class materials and links, and my work on a bibliography of Alaska Native Biographies and Autobiographies.

You can find out more about me on my Profile

You will find links to pages for each of the above topics.

If you are interested in my other works, see the following.